Monday, 30 November 2015

Africa World Press

I'd like to to talk about the book publishing companies that publish the books I read. They are always in the rear, I am always talking about the book titles and their authors, however, I barely mention their publishing companies. Sometimes, I get to meet budding writers that ask me about publishing companies, my answers always go towards the direction of not having an idea, or vaguely naming a few... So, I have decided to shed a light on those companies that I have read two or more books published by them. It is also a way to see what type of books by African writers they choose to publish, the similarities if there are any, book cover and etc.

In an alphabetical order I' ll start with
Africa World Press, they mostly publish literature about the history, politics and culture of Africa and the Africans in the diaspora, based in New Jersey, USA. Please, visit their website they have published a wide range of  African literature.

They published the following novels that I have all read and reviewed by Flora Nwapa, published between 1975 and 1986. The drawing on the books cover look like a sketch, I love them though.

Have you heard of African World Press before? have you read any novel they have published? Click here to read reviews of their book. 




  1. Great information....I will be visiting them in Trenton very soon....

  2. Cool! I'll check them out for my African literatures.

    1. Would like to know how it went. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. I think I have bought some of their non-fiction for our work library; their name is certainly familiar. Looking forward to hearing about more such publishers

    1. Hi Nina,
      really? They publish a whole lot from and about Africa. I think you'd find almost anything.


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