Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Half of a yellow sun, 2006, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie *****

I read this book 2 year after it was published, I loved it and it is one of my favourite. This was my review then literally, I was so excited

"it was so entertaining and I learnt a lot.. I learnt too much you must read it."

Chimamanda did a great job I must say. She was awarded the Orange Prize for Fiction for this book. Excellently written, very understandable and an easy read.
It narrates on  a personal story that took place during the Biafran War, story of love, betrayal, desperation and human relationship.
It gave me better understanding of what the war was like and how the Nigerian family of different classes had to deal with it. This is a book I highly recommend to everybody.

This novel has been reviewed in Spanish in Literafrica by Sonia Fernandez, please click here to read.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've read some of this story in the book Gods and Soldiers: The Penguin Anthology of Contempoaray Africa Writing by Rob Spill man. I thing its a good example of Africa's post-colonial capitalistism; still breaking down the fabric of the Africa. -Yolanda Green

    1. Hi Lonnie, the story you read in Gods and Soldiers of which I also have read is an independent short story from the novel. All the same you would love the novel.

    2. Sorry not from the novel, same title but different story!


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