Sunday, 28 April 2019

Memoirs of a Woman Doctor, 2019, Nawal El Saadawi ****

Nawal El Saadawi, I wonder why she has not yet won the Nobel Literature Prize. Memoirs of a Woman Doctor narrates the story of a girl who is forced to grow up in a society dominated by men. 
"because from early childhood a girl is brought up to believe that she's a body and nothing more, so her body becomes her main concern for the rest of her life, and she doesn't realise that she's got a mind as well which must be looked after and encouraged to develop"
"How can a woman live alone without a man? Why is she going out? Why is she coming in? Why is she smiling? Why is she breathing? Why is she taking gulps of fresh air? Why is she looking at the moon? Why does she hold her head up and open her eyes wide? Why does she tread with confidence and pride? Isn't she embarrassed? Doesn't she want a man to protect her?"
She managed to have a voice of her own against all odds.
"I like myself as I am, and I rely on myself being as I am so I can't pretend I'm different."
"There aren't many men who understand the femininity of an intelligent woman with a strong personality"
Even though this novel was originally written in the 50s in Egypt, it still emphasises on the many problems women face in societies today. Nawal El Saadawi never disappoints, quite an engaging read. I highly recommend.

Thank you very much to Elizabeth Briggs from Saqui Books for sending me a copy to read and to review. I highly recommend.

Click here to get your copy

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