Sunday, 9 July 2017

2017 Spring Read

I read 8 books this Spring, it is a lot compared to the 5 I read in Winter. The
reason is because I had a skiing accident, I had to stay at home with my leg immobilized, therefore I had time to bury myself in books, that is finding the good in the bad. Anyway, I am recovering very well, my medical team are doing an amazing job. The care and support I received from families, friends and friends that have turned into family are beyond words, for that, I cannot be grateful enough. I am gradually getting back to my interesting life with few restrictions here and there, which hopefully with time and care, will be lifted.

I attended a book conference Kosmopolis in Barcelona where Teju Cole was invited: The Errant Novel. Please watch video below.
Kosmopolis. Prog. contínua 2017. Els escriptors Teju Cole i Enrique Vila-Matas conversen amb Jordi Nopca (VO Es / En trad Es) from CCCB on Vimeo.

I also attended another where Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o gave a lecture on Africa, Writing and Emancipation. I was really excited, I'd  invite you to watch them.

Àfrica, escriptura i emancipació Conferència de Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (VO En) from CCCB on Vimeo.

Both videos might start with an introduction in Catalan, please hold on as the writers speak in English.

I am currently reading:You Can't Get Lost in Cape Town by  Zoë Wicomb, which I am not really enjoying as much as I thought I would, however, I am determined to finish.

How was your reading in the second trimester of the year? What are you currently reading?

I have pictures of the event on my instagram and a whole lot more about my life and style please click here to follow.

Happy Read!


  1. Wonderful that you've read that much, I have just come around to reading again and it feels great. Thanks for sharing and greetings!

    1. Hey,reading absolutely does feel great!Thanks :-)

  2. You've been marvelously busy, Mary. I can's say so for myself with my reading. Currently reading The Justice,a political thriller, by Kwakyewaa Glover, a fine Ghanaian writer.

    I would recommend you read A Time To Part by Amma Pomaa, a powerful debut novel of love, betrayal and forgiveness.

    1. Thank you always, as usual. I will try to find Amma Pomaa's book.


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