Wednesday, 10 December 2014

VikariouzlyTME: Mary Okeke: Reader, Blogger, Traveler, Super Woma...

I am more than happy to be featured in Vikariouzly TIME, please click on the link below to read more. VikariouzlyTME: Mary Okeke: Reader, Blogger, Traveler, Super Woma...: It has been a while since I did a feature post. But today, I am delighted to do a feature post on someone I think is extraordinary. ...


  1. Super woman, indeed! I am impressed with the way you manage your chock-full life, but I am particularly thankful for your insight on African literature. Although I have not read nearly enough from that continent, what I have read I owe largely to you. Congratulations on your marriage, and please keep up the great work.

  2. Thank you Debbie, I sincerely appreciate


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