Sunday, 25 November 2012

Interview with Chinedu Achebe

A month ago I reviewed a novel Blunted On Reality by Chinedu Achebe ***. Please click here to read my review.
Chinedu Achebe is a writer of Nigerian origin, born and raised in the United States of America. Studied Economics in the University of Houston, Texas and currently working in the accounting sector. Blunted On Reality is his debut novel, self-published in 2012.

Mary Okeke: Why the title "Blunted On Reality"?
Chinedu Achebe: The title comes from the hip-hop group, The Fugees, thier first album. For me the title, correlated with narrative I was trying to portray in the book.

MO: Have you always been a writer or wanted to be one?
CA: I feel that I have always wanted to write a book, but I never felt that I had a compelling story to tell. 

MO: What inspired you to write the story?
CA: The 2008 presidential election, victory of Barack Obama is what inspired me to write this book. I wanted to give an African perspective to the first year of his presidency, since I felt there was a lack of commentary of how Africans in the U.S. and around the globe felt about this historic moment.

MO: Is there any resemblance between your life and that of Obi (the main character)?
CA: Laughs, there are some similarities with me and Obi. I think we both are looking foward to finding what our purpose is on Earth and along with trying to find the right woman to share our hopes and dreams with. Also, both of us are very passionate about politics.

MO: Have you previously written and/or published any book, novels, writings for magazine, etc?
CA: This is the first writing of any kind that I have published. I tried to start a blog a couple of years back, but it didn't go anyway.

MO: Why did you decide to self-publish "Blunted On Reality"?
CA: I decided to self publish because I wanted to have full control of my story. I didn't want anyone to tell me what I should or shouldn't put in the book. Also, I wanted to have free reign to market and promote my book to Africans all over the diaspora.

MO: What message do you intend to send with this novel?
CA: The message I wanted to send is that we all have to make tough choices in our personal and professional lives and those decisions aren't always black and white. Most times we are operating in a grey area. 

MO: Did you have to do some previous research?
CA: Not really. Most of everything in the book came from experiences in my life, along with discussions with family and friends about a variety of topics. 

MO: Working on another book? If yes what is it about? And who are your target audience?
CA: That is a good question. I am in the preliminary stages of working on the next book. Once I have something concrete I will let you and your audiences know about it.

MO: What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
CA: I think being able to document the lives of the characters on the backdrop of the Obama presidency. You get to see how the characters balance their own personal hopes and concerns alongside with what they feel Obama presidency will mean for people in America along with Africans across the globe.

MO: Reading any book at the moment?
CA: I am reading, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention by the late Manning Marable (2011)

MO: Where can your book be purchased?
CA:, your readers can also read Chpt 1 as well on amazon.

MO: How can your readers contact you?
CA: Facebook, Chinedu Achebe. Twitter @ChineduAchebe, you can email me


  1. Congratulations!! Very good interview!!

    From Tossa de Mar....

  2. It really is good to know that Nigerians are becoming creative and illustrious.
    I am proud of you guys!
    I just stumbled into a comment on a blog and was certain that Okeke is Nigerian.
    I am so glad I found this blog. Keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Tee, I am excited you came across my blog. And elated you like it.
      You are absolutely correct, Okeke is Igbo and therefore Nigerian. Please feel free here. And Do not hesitate to leave your comment anytime.

      You too have an inspiring blog out there. Count on me as your follower.


  3. It really is good to know that Nigerians are becoming creative and illustrious.
    I am proud of you guys!
    I just stumbled into a comment on a blog and was certain that Okeke is Nigerian.
    I am so glad I found this blog. Keep up the good work!

  4. I like the idea of self publish.....Keep up the good work @ Mary

  5. I have Chinedu's book to review which I hope to do so soon. I enjoyed this interview.

    1. Ok, I am so looking forward to read your thoughts.


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