Sunday 27 May 2012

Kabul Beauty School; An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil, 2007, by Deborah Rodriguez ****

A non-fiction novel that narrates the story of a US American hair dresser. Who joined a humanitarian aid fair to help the Afghanistan people after the fall of the "Taliban" (violence was terribly still hitting the country). Not having any medical, engineering or other skills needed at the very moment to build up a country, she decided to be useful by setting up a Beauty School, where a lot of Afghan women meet to be trained as a professional hair dresser (at their possible best). Henceforth, their meeting together evolved a story. Hence, Kabul Beauty School.

I read some where (not sure how trustworthy the source is) that the book was to be converted into a movie in which a famous Hollywood actress would be playing the lead role, though there was inconsistency behind the story.

Any way, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and highly recommend it. If you regularly visit the hairdresser's you would know it isn't a place to go to get only beauty treatment, instead, it is a place to unburden and seek advice.


  1. Just happened to come across this review. I read this book a while back. I have to say I wasn't expecting much from it when I picked it up. It sounded kind of silly- going to Afghanistan to start a beauty school. But I was pleasantly surprised.

    1. Bibi.. thanks for stopping by. It was a novel I too read without much planning. You know went into a library, what have you got? I was offered Kabul Beauty School and it got me engaged. Just like that.

  2. The hairdresser's can also be a hub for gossips, interesting ones.All sort of information can flow there.

    1. Afua... yeah for sure. Sometimes at mt hairdresser's some women just come to talk... you know... Thank God such places still exist. Or when you want info about someone just go their hair dresser's.


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