Sunday, 5 January 2014

Susan's Diary: The Kidnap Case, 2013, Karo Oforofuo ***

Please click here to read my review of part one if you missed it.
After the incident with Eric where Susan almost lost her precious life, she decided to be a good girl. She made up her mind to leave her old self behind and start helping people. No more being a hot chick. No more deals with big boys.
Five months later, on a busy rainy day, a guy called Jude walked up to her and asked for help. Two of his staff have been kidnapped and a 50 million naira ransome was needed. He wanted her to help him find them and Susan accepted out of compassion. From there on the whole story unfolded interestingly.
She discovered that one of the staff was in fact dead and not kidnapped as she was told, which made her find the case somewhat fishy. And once again her life was at stake.

In my opinion, part two of Susan's diary was not as enjoyable as part one. All the same, it is still interesting; you will find Susan in action; fighting, shooting and eventually falling in love. I recommend if you have read part one and liked it. The Kidnap Case is longer than Friday's experience, though, I found the latter more engaging.

Finally, please bear that inasmuch as I might like Susan she is not a role model.

Please click here to read my interview to Karo Oforofuo author of Susan's Diary


  1. Susan is just an interesting character dear, that's all. Role model? Please o! I wasn't there. Lolz. Thank you very much Mary. I appreciate your work. God bless.

    1. LOL.. I love Susan. She is so interesting and entertaining. She is the type I look forward to seeing in movies.


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