Saturday, 31 December 2016

Happy New Year 2017

Yes,  I can now say that 2016 was fantastic, I read 21 books!  At least I did better than last year, I read a book more.

What about you? have you read any book mentioned above? How was your reading experience in 2016? Please tell us, or post link to your review.

Wishing you a prosperous reading in 2017.

Please click on image to read review.


  1. Thanks Mary Okeke for your wonderful work. I read “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoyevsky. I was glad to read it and to finish it. I read it in French. I made some progress in English and I read « Nervous Conditions » by Tsitsi Dangarembga and Purple Hibiscus by “Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie”. I also read five to six collections of poems. I have just finished to reorganize my blog about literature, I hope to read more and to keep my blog “alive”. Merci M. Okeke pour ton initiative. Thierry

    1. Thierry, Happy New year! I so look forward to reading Crime and Punishment, I know it is one of those books one must read. ohhh Nervous Condition... I am yet to set my hands on it. Gosh, you've read quite a lot, I can't wait to read your opinion on these books. Thank you so much for stopping by, it is always good to hear from you. Wishing you and yours a prosperous 2017!

  2. Happy New Year! Here's to more fantastic reading in 2017!

    1. Yes!! More fantastic reading in 2017! Wishing you a prosperous new year!!

  3. Happy New Year, Mary. And congrats on managing to read 21 books in 2016. I am ashamed to admit that I didn't read a single one, at least not from start to finish. Hopefully I do better this year.

    1. It is never too late, you can start now. Give it a try. Happy New Year!!!

  4. My reading list in 2016 was abysmal. Part of my challenge was finding books that were worth my while. Hopefully I'll be able to get some good leads now I've found this blog. Btw, fantastic job, Mary!

  5. Happy New Year Mary! Here is to a year of good books and great reading.

    For 2016 I read 19 books. I think thats the most books I have ever read in a year since I started working 8 years ago. The only book I have in common with you is "This House is Not for Sale", it was an enjoyable read however my favourite books of the 19 I read were 'Behold the Dreamers' by Imbolo Mbue, 'Homegoing' by Yaa Gyasi, and Measuring Time by Helon Habila.

    2016 was a great year for African Literature and I hope it is the same this year.

    1. Hello,
      Congratulations!! 19 books that is quite a lot! I could not bring my self to finish "this house is not for sale". I am yet to read "behold the dreamers". Measuring Time by Habila is a gem, I read it last year.
      Wishing you a prosperous reading in 2017. Please keep it up.

  6. I read only the first book! You had an amazing year reading great books!

    I read 22 books last year and shared my goal for next year and a link to all the reviews of the books I read here:

  7. Hi Linda,
    I have checked out your blog, 22 books is a lot! Congratulations! I enjoyed following you last year. I look forward to reading more of your reviews this year.

  8. Congrats on reading 21! I read 17 lol. I wish I could have done more. Will try harder this year. Happy New Year Mary!

    1. 17 is a lot!!! Congratulations!!! Thank you! :-)


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