Sunday, 26 January 2014

Reading the Ceiling, 2007, Dayo Forster **

This novel is a narrative on the three different outcome of the life of Ayodele depending on whom she had her first sexual intercourse with.
The first was with Reuben, she ended up leaving him when she left for abroad to study. Later on, she jumped into a couple of other relationship where her heart was broken. At last, she eventually married a man her father's age. She kind of wanders aimlessly.
The second was with Yuan, her class mate, with whom she madly fell in love. Though, he died a tragic death, that, again shattered Ayodele's heart.
Thirdly, she got pregnant as a teenager. As a result, her relationship with her mother fell apart. For that reason, she left home and in the long run became second wife to her rich boss.

In my opinion, Dayo Forster is somewhat talented in creative writing; however, I wonder what is the use of having a talent in creative writing if you cannot narrate engagingly. I dragged myself through this novel for a whole month. Quite unbelievable, considering the fact that I am a voracious reader. To cut a long story short, it was a dull reading experience.
With this I end my review on books read in 2013!

Happy Reading.


  1. That's quite blunt Mary. I'm sure the book must have really been hard to complete, let alone read!

  2. That's too bad, I had this one my reading list. It may stay there since there aren't that many options for The Gambia. Maybe I'll like it better...

  3. We need to get access to some of these books

  4. Hello Mary,
    I just found ur blog (and am quite happy about it). As I was recently in The Gambia and therefore searched for some writers and books before leaving I can recommend "Fafa" from Ebou Dibba, a small book written with a kind of dry and funny humour that I liked and also "The sun will soon shine" from Sally Sadie Singathe, the life story of a Mandinka?! girl from childhood well into adulthood, a nice read with impressing passages (well i love whole-life-stories anyways, thats among the reasons why i am also a big fan of Emecheta and Adichie =) )
    just in case u want to have more books from The Gambia!

    1. Hi Caro, thank you for stopping by. I could not add Fafa however, I have added "The Sun Will Soon shine" to my to read list, hopefully I will get to lay my hand on it. Thank you for the recommendation. I look forward to reading more of your comments on my blog.

  5. Lol uh oh. I was attracted by the over at first and I hoped it would be interesting. Thanks for the review Mary.

    1. Who knows you might like it. For instance Darkowa and I never agree on books, I might give a book 3 stars and she will end up saying it is her favourite. As for me "Reading the ceiling" is not a novel that I enjoyed reading. The writing is good, the story line isn't solid. However, if you'd like to know what creative writing is really, I strongly recommend you read it.


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