Sunday, 18 April 2021

African Literature in translation: Libros de Baobab

I was explaining my literature blog to a good friend of mine, and I was telling her that she could be updated by following my twitter account handle. She followed immediately and asked that I should follow back and I realised that I had turned off my twitter notifications. However, as I logged into my account I noticed that there was an unread message sent to me some three weeks ago. I felt terrible and I proceeded to read it at once.
The message was from my dearest blogger friend, owner of Literafrica it says the following:

Hoy quiero hacerte partícipe de una gran alegría para mi. Un sueño que he podido hacer realidad. Fuiste de las primeras personas que contactó conmigo en este mundo tan extraño como es la red. Siempre recordaré aquel primer contacto que tanto me alegró y me dio fuerzas para seguir. Espero que estés bien y tu pequeño también. Te dejo con mi pequeña aventura, estoy segura de que te alegrarás también. Un abrazo. S.

Today, I want you to be part of some thing that brings me great joy. My dream come true. You were one of the first people that got in touch with me in this strange networking world. I will always remember that first time you contacted me, it gave me so much joy and strenght to continue moving forward. I hope you and your son are well. I am leaving you with my little adventure, I am sure that you too would be happy.

She has worked so hard on opening an editorial house that translates African literature to Spanish. This is great news! A big adventure indeed. It is really amazing how we can motivate people to pursue their dreams, especially dreams like this that is so beneficial to the world. The world can never be complete without Africa. We need to tell our stories ourselves and the broader the audience the better, that is  why this project is so important.

Please, click here to read more about Baobab books colection.

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