Sunday 27 November 2016

Blogger Spotlight: Reading Pleasure ~ A blog of books and literature

Celestine Nudanu is the owner and creator of Reading Pleasure ~ A blog of books and literature. She is from Ghana where she lives and blogs from. She studied English with Theatre Arts for her undergraduate program and International Affairs for her graduate degree. She is a Senior Assistant Registrar, coordinating Administrative Systems with the University of Professional Studies, Legon, Accra-Ghana. She is also author of HAIKU RHAPSODIES (Verses from Ghana)

What inspired you to start a book blog?
I've always loved reading; from as far back as I can remember. In school I used to sit up late with my friends discussing books we had read. So the love for books and the discussions led me to believe that I could review the books I read on my blog, especially when I realised others were doing exactly that on their blogs. I believe that reviews on my blog would generate a healthy discussion among book lovers all over the blogosphere. 

Do you blog for a living?

No, I do it for pleasure. 

Of course, hence the name Reading Pleasure. How did you fall upon the name “Reading Pleasure”?
(laughing) 😃 oh well I guess anytime one reads, it's either for knowledge or pleasure. I made up my mind that any visitor to my blog should read my works, either my poetry or my reviews for pleasure. All visitors to my blog are guaranteed much pleasure. 

That, I can attest to. For how long have you been blogging and for how long do you look forward to blogging?
I've been blogging for four years now. I started in March 2012. Mary, so long as I have life, I shall go on blogging. 

What is the highest amount of book you’ve read in a year? 
Hmm! You've really asked a question. I used to read avidly and voraciously, consuming any book that caught my fancy. But I must admit that these days my reading is on the low side due to ill health and bad eyesight. In my good years I've read about fifty or more books in a year. 

How many books do you look forward to reading this year?
The year has almost ended but I can safely say I've read about fifteen books this year which is not good enough despite my ill health.
Actually, along my blogging journey, I developed the passion for haiku, the three lined Japanese poetry form. And this year, I self-published my first collection of haiku, Haiku Rhapsodies which was launched on April 23, and now available on Amazon
Writing haiku, sending the poems over to haiku experts poets in my country Ghana and overseas for editing and re-editing before the final publication, was quite stressful but very much rewarding. This project took up much of my time but then it also helped me to take my mind off the sickness.

How do you make time to read? When do you read?
I read anytime, anywhere especially when the book is so good. 

How do you decide the books you read? Where do you buy or borrow them?
I read books I'm attracted to; sometimes the blurb pulls me in to buy a particular book; sometimes the cover. I also read books based on the genre. I love thrillers, especially based on conspiracy theories. I love books on the holocaust; romance and contemporary fiction. I read African writers too.

Almost all the books in my possession are books that I bought myself. Any borrowed book is returned immediately after reading.  

Actually I'd rather buy a book than trendy clothes (laughing). Right now I've had a model library ordered for our new home that we moved into and I can't wait to have it installed by the workmen for me to arrange all my books on the shelves. Hundreds of them, both adult and children books! 

That sound interesting. Who are your three most read authors?
Quite a lot of them I dare say. But the three most read I'm afraid are not African authors; Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham and Robert Ludlum.

Your favourite (African) writer?
Ama Ata Aidoo, without a doubt. 

Are you participating in any reading challenges? 
I started the Classic Club Challenge but dropped off due to circumstances beyond my control.

Five African literature blogs you recommend and follow?
I follow a lot of book blogs, Mary. Most of the blogs I follow talk about and review books, not necessarily on African literature. But the blogs that mainly focus on African literature that readily come to mind are: Kinnareads; your own blog, Mary Okeke Reviews; Bookshy, The African Book Addict! and ImageNations. I follow all these blogs and I highly recommend them.

10 African literature, you have read, really enjoyed and highly recommend.
Wow, that is a tough one. (smiling) 
  1. The Joys of Motherhood, by Buchi Emecheta
  2. Anowa by Ama Ata Aidoo
  3. Changes by Ama Ata Aidoo 
  4. The Concubine, by Elechi Amadi
  5. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
  6. Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie
  7. The Beggars Strike by Aminata Sow Fall
  8. Tales from Different Tails by Nana Awere Damoah
  9. Most Eligible Bachelor by Empi Baryeh
  10. Midwife to Destiny by Nana Prah
Actually, the last two are romance reads from Africa, precisely Ghana and I love these two authors so.  I really enjoyed reading all the above and although some of them were read ages ago, the stories were so profound that their impact resonates with me even today. 

How do we contact you?
Link to 


  1. Great interview ladies. I have read Haiku Rapsodies and found it delightful. Thanks for the shout out Celestine.

    1. The pleasure is mine, Nana. I'm so happy you found HR delightful.

  2. Great interview, Celestine. Thanks for mentioning me among such great African writers. I find haiku a delightful form of poetry though I've attempted only one

    1. Thank you Empi. I'm sure you would be quite good at haiku once you set your mind to it. You are a fine writer, Empi.

  3. Mary, thank you so much for this lovely interview. I had to read it over and over again, even though it is about me. lol. God bless you.

    PS: I see my first comment did not post.

    1. Dear Celestine, the pleasure is mine. I do not have any pending comment. Maybe it was not sent.


  4. Yaay! I love Celestine's book blog and her work. I attended her book launch here in Accra and it was wonderfully emotional! I hope to read and review it soon too! Thanks for the shout out, Celestine!! Great interview :)


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