Sunday, 22 March 2015

2015 Winter Read Progress (WRP)

Even though, this is not the first time I use seasons to classify my posts, I am sure more than one person have asked why do I use European climate changes to classify my (African) readings. It is because I live in Barcelona, and weather temperature determines our everyday activity. Unlike in Nigeria, where we only have two major seasons; rainy and dry seasons. Luckily, the weather here isn't as harsh (that is below 0ºC in winter or above 40ºC in summer) as in some cities, towns or villages in the inland of the Peninsula, except for the humidity. You see, the weather means a lot to us living on this side of the world. For instance, when asked about a particular event, generally, the date would come last. When we were planning our wedding, we were like:
yes... after summer, in autumn, hopefully, it won't be too cold, it's a pity we can't honeymoon in Europe, it's autumn and it is not hot enough to wear our swim suit neither can we swim, the sea will be freezing cold. Let's not talk about sunbathing.. well.. then we have to travel to the South Hemisphere..., perhaps a tropical country? Well, it depends on much? What are the requirements? Vaccination.., prophylaxis.., 
That said, below is what I read Winter of 2015, or first trimester of 2015




  1. Dew in the Morning by Shimmer Chinodya (Zimbabwe) AWS, fiction
  2. Mating Birds by (late) Lewis Nkosi (South Africa) Apartheid, fiction
  3. A Month and A Day by (late) Ken Saro Wiwa (Nigeria) Niger- Delta, environmental degradation, non-fiction
  4. To My Children's Children, Sindiwe Magona (South Africa) Apartheid, non-fiction
  5. The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer (Malawi) non-fiction
  6. The Purple Violet of Oshaantu by Neshani Andreas (Namibia), domestic violence, fiction, AWS
  7. Don't let's go to the Dogs Tonight, Alexandra Fuller (Zimbabwe) non-fiction
I read a total of around 1500 pages, 7 books, 4 of which are non-fiction (Truth is stranger than fiction). All of the books are set in the Southern part of the African continent, except #3 set in Nigeria. As you can also see, there are 2 addition to my AWS reading challenge.

How was your reading this Winter? or first trimester of the year 2015? What do you plan on reading in Spring (second trimester 2015)? Any reading challenges? Have you read any of the books mentioned above? Do you plan on reading them?

Happy Reads!


  1. Well done, Mary. Seems you read more non-fiction than fiction.

    1. it depends. Though, I must add, that non-fiction is a genre I enjoy as well as fiction.

  2. I read a lot of American and British crime thrillers. For this month, I've read 6 books and currently on my 7th book.

    1. Linda, congratulations, at this rate you should start a book blog too. Impressive.

  3. My reading has been mixed. Oh, I want to read the Ken Sora-Wiwa book. A good mix. you read more non-fiction than I do and that's make me jealous!

    1. Hello Kinna, yes, that Ken Saro-Wiwa book was quite moving and I highly recommend. Hahahaha... Thank you. I must also add that I am jealous too I do not read half the poetry you read. Kudos!


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