Sunday, 4 May 2014

Mary Okeke in Africa Positive

I am incredibly excited to announce that I was featured in Africa Positive Number 53. 2014. A quarterly publication in German that writes about positive news about Africa that do not make it in the mainstream German media. Thanks to Ann Wanjiku who did the interview. We discussed mainly about my motivation to start reviewing African Literature, response I get from writers, African Institutions and publishing houses. If it is a full time job and if I do charge for my services. I felt so much at ease talking with Ann Wanjiku, that we discussed at length even about other issues that were not strictly African Literature.
A week ago I was sent a couple of copies of the published magazine, even though I do not speak nor understand German, I am so happy to have them. If you understand German I strongly recommend you get your copy of Africa Positive or visit to find out more about them and subscribe.

I have also been featured in Come-To-Nigeria Magazine, Voice Write Africa, La Plume Burundaise. I am so happy and more than grateful.


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