Sunday, 23 March 2014

2014 Winter Read Progress (WRP)

This year Winter Read Progress is not what  I should be proud of. Even though, I did not publicly set myself any reading challenge, I need to keep the ball rolling. I merely read six novels compared to the ten I read this time last year. 2013 Winter Read Progress. I wish it could have been better. As an avid reader, nevertheless, in my defence, I must confess that I have literally been too busy with a lot going on in my personal life that deterred me from reading as much as I would have loved to. All the same, for the time being, I have read more than a 1500 pages. Which, in my opinion is not bad at all.



I also read up to page 287 of "Waiting for the Wild Beasts to Vote" by Ahmadou Kourouma, which I couldn't finish because I felt totally detached from the story. There is a lot going on in it and all at the same time, and the writing style is not what I would call superb. Perhaps, it is just me not the novel, though I am reading a translated version. I might as well get back to it when I gather enough strength. Have you read it? If so, what was your impression?


Where did I visit and read? Actually, I did not travel much this winter, I only visited Andorra and just skied and rested and skied. Nothing else.
Furthermore, with regards to my WRP, I read a little bit across the continent; Cameroon, Nigeria, Maurtius, Zimbabwe (twice) and Côte d'Ivoire. Of which, two were African Writers Series, a Commonwealth Writer Prize Winner and lastly a 2013 Man Booker Prize Nominee and 2013 winner of Etisalat Prize for Literature.

Below are links to the books' review
What about you? How was your reading experience in the last trimestre, I hope it was better than mine. I look forward to hearing from you.

Happy Reads
Read African Literature.


  1. Did you read my review of Waiting for the Wild Beasts to Vote? I did not like it. At all.

    I've read some interesting books but not many African Books. Sad!

    1. I just read it and left my comment. I wish I had read it before purchasing the book in question. I will give out, most definitely. I am not going to go back to it.

      I see you are delving into new experiences.

  2. My reading is nothing to write about, though I must admit, it is improving step by little step!


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